Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Karen passed away last night. I spent the evening on Facebook, writing about things I remembered about her. Things like the popcorn and cranberry strings on her Christmas tree every year....her constant laughter....adventures on Warren Street...many parties and gatherings and weddings and such.

I will miss her. I hope she is at, i think i KNOW she is.

I did one more sing for her....Christmas carols on Sunday. She was weak, but smiling and trying to sing along with us. The time went too quickly and we had to leave. She sure did look like she had a good time. Christmas was one of her favorite times of year, she went 'all out' as her brother commented to me.

I will miss Karen. I love Karen. I will continue to walk the Garbage Trail in May. I will keep singing songs for her...

1 comment:

SPAM will never show here, don't waste your time....