Wow. Flying home now. Thinking of a lot of things. Thinking about good friends from far away and fun times. Let me talk a little bit about that here. I am going to try to NOT use names, for fear of leaving someone out.
I came into Seattle on Thursday. Thanks to several very wonderful people, got to where I was going, watched a house concert at a great friends house and prepared to get ready to ride to Half Moon Bay.

Caravan starts on Friday night at the home of a Rusted Couple well known for their Rusted parties around the Sacred Rustie Campfire (only a few of these exist in the world. One was recently removed, from Saratoga Springs Hilltop, the traditional site of Rusted lore).
Laughter, hugs, joyful greetings and introductions are heard throughout the evening. Some of the usual suspects are no where to be found, because Bob Dylan is playing in Seattle. But overall, a good group of folks who have a lot of love for music, for neil, for each other.
We make music that night. Guitars are passed around, songs are sung. Seems like that was a long time ago, and I am not sure, but I think that we did not just stick to Neil, but included all sorts of acoustic songs including originals. Maybe somone will correct me....
The food, Scott Youngs spaghetti recipe, is absolutely delicious. Slooooooowly we start to wander off in search of a place to lay down and catch some sleep. My spot is good for someone who doesn't need much sleep, but that is not me..... LOL. I am in the center of the house, and people coming and going out/to the bathroom/in the morning disturbs my sleep, but it is all good. I am leaving down the coast in the morning with one of my best all around buddies to see my best musical hero. And we will be making music all the way. Heaven.

Oh, I should have made this as I traveled. It is all so distant. I do know that, as per our usual, we ambled down the coast, making stops to fill growlers at select breweries for the party in the evening. We also have several favorite places to visit, like Hug Point and Oceanside. There is the spectacular Northwest coastline all the way down, visable when traveling the slower Route 1. The stop at Chesters, the best oysters on the coast, as merriweather says. The (nearly) daily stop at Fred Myers to grab something we forgot to pack, a jug of water, a snack for the road.

And at night, a walk on the beach, hopefully while the sun sets in the west, while we all discuss our days and what we saw and what we did. Every night a different team makes a SPECTACULAR meal.
The weather this trip was spotty, but really did not much affect us. It was usually warm and hazy much of the time, with that drizzly Northwest style rain happening most days, if not all, so the raincoat was important. Except for one evening, the rain did not affect the party at all. It did, however, come down real heavy during one evening, disrupting the sleep of most caravaners!! But we soldiered on.

There are a few things I absolutely LOVE about caravan. First, the people. It takes a certain sort to want to drive down the coast, camping with a group of (the first time) strangers. You have to be tough, as it is a gruelling adventure. Little sleep, lots of driving and things to see, cooking and clean up every evening, interesting personalities (multi cultural to boot) that sometimes don't travel in the style you personally prefer (my first trip, we decorated our cars. Mine said, 'I need a crowd of people........', planning to add the 'but i can't face them day to day' when that applied, but it never did. :) lol). But caravan is an adventure, and for the OPL/IRF/BSB part of the trip, you may frequently hear mini caravan reunions happening. There is a feeling that develops between people on the road that becomes a tie that binds, in wonderful ways! I love the people I caravan with. Love.
And then, I love to travel and I love to camp and I love to MOVE, and I get plenty of all of these traveling down the coast. It is a vacation that suits me to a T. I get mountains and views and good food and ocean and BIG trees!!! I spend all my time in a car or in the a yurt sleeping or in the open air, but MOSTLY in the open air. Soooooo good for the soul to spend LOTS of time outside. I love it. Love.
And then, there is the music. Every night. Around the campfire. There are loud, rocking strummers; quiet, soulful players and lots of singing. We do a fair share of Neil songs, but also originals, folk songs, classic rock. It is our opportunity to make some of the best music that we will make, sitting there, under the stars (sometimes clouds), sitting around the fire with those wonderful folks we are traveling with. I hope someone made some videos of some of the sounds we put together those evenings. Those are special times, very intimate and beautiful. They feed my soul, my mind, my heart. I love making and listening to caravan music. Love. Love. Love.
And then, after getting pretty accustomed to these small group sessions, we head into OPL/IRF. People! Laughter! Greetings! Never being able to finish a conversation before i see yet another person i must speak to!!! Oh. My. It tends to be a bit overwhelming at first, but soon I am into the groove. After all, i like ACTIVITY!!! LOL.
This year, I share responsibility with two others for the OPL experience. One bringing and setting up needed equipment, but my best buddy and i have been working on strategies for keeping things moving so that all players are able to do what they had planned to do for a set. I am a bit nervous. I have a (day) job where I am constantly making decisions and telling others what to do, so it is not a difficult task for me. However, my rustie friends don't take kindly to direction and my group role has not been one of leading. But we knew what we had to do, and, to use some of Pegi Youngs words, braced for impact.
What a PLEASURE to work that night!!! We gave most acts a 30 min warning, reminding them to be at the stage for the last song of the act ahead of them, tuned, and it HAPPENED!!! Each act was given a time to end (ok, i missed a few) and a time piece, and without exception, cooperated, often with a smile!!! In the end, we started the electric set 10 minutes earlier than planned! People sounded great, the crowd sang along. If only we could package up the positive energy in that room that night!!! Thanks to ALL!!! It truly is amazing that people, without practice together, can pull this off time after time, with love. Amazing evening.

IRF was up next, on Friday night. The meal was great, the people wonderful as always, but the magic was not in the air. When we first started to do the International Rust Fest, 18 years ago, Saratoga Springs Campground in Saratoga, CA was a perfect venue. About 15miles away from where Neil and Pegi Young held their party for the BSB performers, we partied under the sky in 'Neil Country', with the redwoods above us smelling like heaven, the sacred rusted fire on Hilltop where we made burnt offerings of pumpkins carved with neil pics, electric music from rusted performers shaking the ground.
Now we party on astroturf, no amplified music allowed and the firepit is one of those moveable circles. But rusties are still together. We are still talking and laughing and making music. Perhaps we can find another place in Neil country?
Then we head into the third leg of the trip- BSB. Great shows. I think, besides Neil and Pearl Jam, my favorite part was Tom Jones! LOL. Guilty pleasure.
Music. Really, music is what brings this group of people together. The making of it. The listening to it. The love of it. Music. I think many, if not most, would refer to music as an integral part of their lives, their religious expression, perhaps. It certainly is a fine foundation for some amazing friendships I have made. I love these two weeks, with these people, on the West Coast, usa, making, listening to and discussing music. Love. Love. Love.
I just read a quote about Neil Young on Facebook. It has to do with looking and observing and attending to love as a guiding force. It doesn't surprise me that those who go to great lengths to hang around each other and/or follow his shows are also big on the LOVE thing.
Love. Look for it. Embrace it.