Last weekend I went camping with some friends at Copake Falls. We try to camp every year, but for the past few years, we haven't done it at we did it twice this year. We call it our 'Campathon'.
Of course, I can't go anywhere without my guitar...and camping is no exception. Trouble is, by time I am ready to play it, quiet time has set in and I CAN'T play it (Not that that should have stopped me this trip ...we had some REALLY LOUD neighbors who thought that quiet time didn't apply to them, and also didn't understand the concept of 'personal space', giving me the evil eye when i asked them NOT to pass through our campsite on their way to their Party--repeatedly....).
Anyway, I started playing early, right after we ate something, on Saturday night. The meal was a little sparse since I can remember to bring my guitar, but neglected to put the meat for dinner into the car....LOL. Thank heavens that some of us know to plan for the unexpected...or is it maybe that it is now expected that Scattered may forget??
Anyway, back to the guitar....I played mostly sing along type songs, getting some response from nearby neighbors that was favorable-I heard them singing along at certain points. I thought that was pretty cool. The MOST cool thing that happened, however, was when a guy walked up through the shadows with a kid on the hip and asked if he could bring his boy closer to the music and into the campfire circle. Apparently the little boy (seemed to be around four or five) LOVES live music and dad was bringing him at his request.
Dad, it turns out, is living right down the road, and moved here from New Zealand. Had a cool accent!! While we are chatting with Dad, the boy would say intermittently 'More music'. Every time I stopped and we started talking, he would request music and got a little loud if I didn't when I was playing, he would just stare and move just slightly, totally entranced with the singing all around him. At one point, I went over to him, to let him see the guitar, maybe touch it. He wasn't interested or I scared him, getting too close like that. He just said again, real quiet, 'More music'.....and shyly hugged his dad....
I bet music will be in that kids life forever....
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